The material appearing on the websites,,,, and ("these Sites") is provided as either information about Ana Empowers LLC events, people, courses, programs and stories, or as a platform for online connection and community. The owner of these Sites (Anastasiya Vasilyeva), Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates assume no responsibility or liability for any consequences resulting directly or indirectly from any action or inaction you take based on the information found on or material linked to on these Sites or Ana Empowers LLC programs, courses, materials, products, or services.
Any information by or on these Sites is provided for promotional or informational purposes only and is not to be relied upon as a professional opinion whatsoever. By using these Sites, you accept and agree that following any information or recommendations provided therein is at your own risk.
Please read carefully! Your access to and use of any Ana Empowers LLC programs, courses, materials, products, or services is subject to legally binding terms and conditions which you accept and agree to by accessing such programs.
The following terms and conditions form a binding agreement (“Agreement”) between you and Ana Empowers LLC. Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates may modify, amend, supplement and replace these terms and conditions at any time without advance notice. Your continued use of Ana Empowers LLC programs, courses, materials, products, or services after any change means you have accepted the changed terms and conditions.
1. Copyright.
All materials created by Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates inside all Ana Empowers LLC programs, courses, materials, products, or services are protected by U.S. copyright laws as original works. The absence of a registered copyright symbol does not mean that such materials are not protected as belonging to Ana Empowers LLC.
2. Links to Third Party Websites.
These Sites may contain links to third party websites. All such linked sites, materials and pages are not under the control of Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates, and Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates are not responsible for the content contained in any linked website nor for any losses or damages you may incur as a result of the use of any such website. Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates accept no liability for any errors or omissions contained in third party websites. These links are provided to improve your use of these Sites, enable you to connect with Ana Empowers LLC on various platforms, and help Ana Empowers LLC offer the easiest services for you and conduct transactions.
3. Intellectual Property Ownership.
If there are materials on these Sites which you can download, a revocable, non-exclusive license is granted for you to download copies of the materials for personal, non-commercial transitory viewing only. This is the grant of a license, not a transfer of title, and under this license you may not:
a. modify or copy the materials;
b. use the materials for any commercial purpose, or for any public display (commercial or non-commercial);
c. transfer the materials to another person or “mirror” the materials on any other server.
This license shall automatically terminate if you violate any of these restrictions and may be terminated by Ana Empowers LLC and its owners and employees at any time. Upon terminating your viewing of these materials or upon the termination of this license, you must destroy any downloaded materials in your possession whether in electronic or printed format.
If Ana Empowers LLC discovers that you have illegally misappropriated or used any of the intellectual property you were granted access to, you will be blacklisted from any future programs and will seek any all extent of legal remedies and you will be required to cover all legal fees necessary to enforce these rights.
4. Testimonials.
Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates love to share your wins and successes inside our programs. By signing up for our programs and courses, you waive the right to anonymity and any testimonials including unofficial testimonials and words of praise via Instagram stories, public Facebook posts or posts inside affiliated Facebook groups, and direct messages with Ana Empowers LLC or its directors, agents, employees and affiliates have the potential to be used on our marketing materials and/or any promotional efforts. You understand that all confidentiality provisions apply and that testimonials are the only exception to our confidentiality obligations.
5. Refund Policy.
Ana Empowers LLC holds a “Do The Work” Refund policy, which means you have to prove you’ve gone through the entire program, done all the required work, answer a few questions, which we’ll ask you once you can prove to us that you’ve done the work, and then we’ll have the unilateral discretion to grant a refund. If you want a refund, contact Ana Empowers LLC within 90 days of purchasing the program and prove you’ve done the whole program and Ana Empowers LLC will send some follow up questions.
If you decide your purchase was not the right decision for you or you, please contact or within 90 days of enrollment. You must include your coursework with your request for a refund. If you request a refund and do not include your coursework by the 90th day, you will not be granted a refund. All refunds are discretionary as determined by Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates
Ana Empowers LLC is about honesty, fairness and customer satisfaction and has no problem issuing a full refund, if you’ve actually tried your best and done the work but the course was not fitting for your you and/or healing goals.
5.1 An example of a situation where Ana Empowers LLC wouldn’t give a refund is if someone doesn’t put in any effort, doesn’t try at Ana Empowers LLC programs, doesn’t take full responsibility for their own success and then asks for their money back. Ana Empowers LLC also does not offer refunds for those who attempt to use the refund policy as a way to opt-out of any existing financial obligation and/or payment plan already committed to upon signing up for a Ana Empowers LLC program, or students who decide to change their goals after purchasing a course.
5.2. An example of a situation where Ana Empowers LLC would give a refund is if you did the entire course, tried your best, shared with Ana Empowers LLC what you learned, and then gave an objectively fair reason why you want your money back. This means Ana Empowers LLC is expecting the following documents and tasks to be completed:
Proof of all worksheets or HeartSheets being completed
Dated documentation proving that you have implemented the lessons as instructed and have made an effort of using Ana Empowers LLC strategies
Proof of the following:
Attendance of all live coaching calls
Utilization of Ana Empowers LLC office hours or email support on at least five occasions
Active participation, initiative, and responsiveness, if applicable
Confirmation of your effort from an accountability buddy (friend, family member, mental health professional, fellow Ana Empowers LLC student, or Ana Empowers LLC coach)
Summary or notes (in your own words) of lessons from all teaching materials provided in the program
A progress rate of at least 90% within the program student portal
A minimum one-page write up on the top 3 lessons you learned from the program and a fair reason of why you think the program didn’t work for you
Disclaimer: Due to the digital nature of our course, Ana Empowers LLC does not offer refunds for those who do not do their due diligence to ensure the course is the right fit for them. It is the customer’s responsibility to review the Ana Empowers LLC sales page(s) and terms and conditions carefully prior to purchase, use or access to any Ana Empowers LLC products, services, and online courses. The Calm Confidence Curriculum and the Heart Healer Mentorship are programs that are designed to help self-aware, big-hearted humans feel calmer, less reactive, and to better understand the roots of their emotional struggles. The goal of the program has always been communicated in Ana Empowers LLC marketing, such as webinars, social media, and sales pages that the target audience for this program is self-aware empaths, sensitives, and big-hearted humans.
6. Being Blacklisted.
Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates retain the right to “Blacklist” you from accessing any and all materials, courses or other products or services she offers in the event that you do not pay your bills or if you steal any of our intellectual property. You will be taken off the blacklist once you pay your full amount owing.
7. Payment Plans.
You will have two options of payment plans with Ana Empowers LLC. You can either pay up-front in full or you can pay in monthly installments. Please note that for monthly payments, Stripe will automatically deduct the amount from the account information you provide to Stripe. In the event the payment fails, you will not be able to access any of the information or content sold through Ana Empowers LLC or any other Ana Empowers LLC programs, courses, materials, products, or services. In the event of three failed payments, you understand Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates may contract a collection agency to collect the money from you. Please note a payment plan is not a membership, in which you cannot cancel at any time. By signing up for our payment plan, you agree to pay the balance owing of your payment plan.
8. Breaking Payment Plans + Discontinued Payments.
In the event that you break your agreed upon payment plan, Ana Empowers LLC or its directors, agents, employees or affiliates will permit a three month grace period and will actively work with you to get payments back on track. However, after three months of delinquent payments, you will be charged 10% per month for every month thereafter, that you either pause or discontinue your payment plan for up to one year. The 10% late fee will only commence after your initial three month grace period.
For example: If you have paid the first two months but then pause your payment plan for the third month and fail to get back on track after three months, you will owe 10% of that last payment for EACH month (up to one year) that your account sits inactive. You will have to pay this amount before you can re-access your account.
9. No Guarantees.
Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates make NO GUARANTEES about ANY success that you’ll get from these Sites, any Ana Empowers LLC programs, courses, materials, products, or services, or any other free or paid offers. Ana Empowers LLC will do everything for you to succeed, but Ana Empowers LLC makes no guarantees and will try their best, but can only control a small portion of your success through Ana Empowers LLC courses, services, or materials. You understand that Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates make no guarantees whatsoever regarding any results based on any action or inaction relating to your life, your state of being, or behavior based on the information Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates share or services we sell or share for free through the Site, or any other affiliated channels. Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates is not responsible or make any promises for what will happen in your life. Even if you’ve worked with Ana Empowers LLC as client before and had certain results, Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates make no guarantee that will happen again. Ana Empowers LLC cannot be any more clear about this: We love you, but we make no promises regarding results and make no guarantees whatsoever.
10. Entire Agreement.
These terms and conditions and any other legal notices, policies and guidelines of Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates linked to these terms and conditions or contained on these Sites constitutes the entire Agreement between you and Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates relating to your use of these Sites and Ana Empowers LLC products, materials, or services, and supersedes any prior understandings or agreements (whether oral or written), claims, representations, and understandings of the parties regarding such subject matter. This Agreement may not be amended or modified except by Ana Empowers LLC.
11. Site Terms of Use Modifications.
Ana Empowers LLC may revise these terms of use for its websites at any time without notice. By using these Sites, you are agreeing to be bound by these Terms and Conditions.
12. Limitation of Liability and Indemnity.
In no event shall Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates be liable for any damages (including, but not limited to, psychological or emotional damages, or behavior, financial, or material damages,) arising out of the use or inability to view or use the materials or content on the Site or Ana Empowers LLC courses, materials, products, or services, even if Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates have been notified orally or in writing of the possibility of such damage.
13. Governing Law.
Any claim relating to Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates shall be governed by the laws of the the state of Colorado, without regard to its conflict of law provisions.
14. Indemnity.
As a condition of your use of the Site, Ana Empowers LLC programs, materials, products, or services, you hereby indemnify Ana Empowers LLC and its directors, agents, employees and affiliates from and against any and all liabilities, expenses (including legal fees) and damages arising out of claims resulting or arising from your use of these Sites, Ana Empowers LLC programs, materials, products, or services.